Towner Whitney comes from an established Salem family - the men were traders and merchants and pirates. And the women? Psychics and readers - especially lace readers. Towner comes back to Salem after the disappearance of her great-aunt, Eva, who gave lace readings to locals and tourists alike in her tea room. Towner's mother, May, always an eccentric, takes in abused women and children and teaches them to make lace. But Towner herself has been avoiding lace since her twin sister committed suicide as a teen after a lace reading.
The book is itself a piece of finely crafted lace - read it patiently and all of its secrets will appear in time. Keep in mind that Towner's first paragraph includes the line "Never believe me. I lie all the time." Bit by bit, the details behind Towner's past materialize, knitting a web of overlapping truths and lies, light and darkness, as she herself comes to terms with what has happened to her.
Not only did I love the atmosphere and the story, but I fell in love with the lace as well. This book made me want to take up lace-making, and I've tried my hand at coffee reading, so why not lace reading as well?
Also check out the website for the book, which includes the first few chapters to read, tips of reading lace, and a great map of Salem which includes spots in the book.
I also like books with local references (even more far flung references, if I'm familiar with the location).
_The Lace Reader_ is in my TBR pile. There was another book I saw recently that took place in Salem, but the name escapes me ... will post again if I think of it (sorry!)
I was hoping to snag this on Library Thing but did not. I do tarot readings and I also am a lace maker so this book sounded really interesting to me. Your review confirms it and I will keep an eye out to get a copy. If you want some advice on where to start with lace making I would be more than happy to help.
Yes! I love reading a book about a foreign country and I know exactly what they're talking about!
I don't think you'll be disappointed, silverheron. If I find some free time for lace making (doubtful, but you never know...) I'll let you know. Thanks!
Sound like an interesting book. I also read tarot, like silverheron, and tea leaves. I haven't ever heard of lace reading, though. I'll have to look into that.
I just wanted to mention that I linked to your review in mine here:
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