Sunday, June 8, 2008

24 Hours of Reading? Count Me In!

Reading for 24 hours straight? Um, yes please.

I stumbled across this blog the other day and saw a post for the 24 Hour Read-a-thon. Starting at 9 am PST (noon here) on Saturday, June 28th, a whole bunch of bloggers (32 are signed up as of right now) will stay up all night to read as much as possible, post on their blogs about their books, and check out other blogs to cheer participants on.

I'm looking forward to checking out everyone else's blogs on the 28th and 29th. Until then, I need to start putting together a reading list - I want to have plenty on hand so I can choose whatever sounds good at the time. Have any suggestions for me?


Dewey said...

I suggest having light reading, maybe something by an author you know you love, for the end. It's hard when you're really tired to sustain interest, so something funny is also a good idea.

Pam said...

Thanks, Dewey. I'm really looking forward to this! Yes, I plan to have an array of books on hand, including some graphic novels for when my mind starts to wander...